Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Master Edward Ho (何少龍師父) will be teaching "Health Qigong-Ba Duan Jin (八段錦)" in Landstaff C.C. on Saturday for Fook Moon Tai Chi Association, starting from March 3 to March 24, with 4 lessons in total. His section will begin at 2:00 p.m. and finish by 3:00 p.m. We appreciate very much for his effort and time. Please come on time and make yourself available for these unique lessions for your good health. Thank you very much for your participations

Place: Landstaff Community Center

Date & Time: Saturdays, March 3rd - March 24th (2:00pm to 3:00pm)


Master Tan 陳仁華師父 will teach "Shaolin Five Ancestors Fists" 南少林五祖鶴陽拳 He is planning to offer 8 classes initially for Fook Moon Tai Chi Association members for free, starting from March 6 to April 24, 2012. Since he is living in Mississauga, he has to come early and leave early on Tuesdays. We are very lucky to have Master Tan give us this rare opportunity to learn Shaolin Chuan. If you are interested to learn this Five Ancestors Fists, please be on time Tuesday. Thank you very much for your interest and support.

Place: Oriole Community Center

Date & Time: Tuesdays, March 6th - April 24th (8:30pm to 9:15pm)